Terms & Condition

Thank you for visiting the www.Mleos.com. By accessing or using www.Mleos.com website or the mobile application or any other media ("Website"), whether automated or otherwise, you, a registered or guest user in terms of the eligibility criteria set out herein you (“User”) agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) and any additional terms and conditions of third party sellers (“Sellers”).

By impliedly or expressly accepting these Terms, you also accept and agree to be bound by Mleos Policies (including but not limited to Privacy Policy available at www.Mleos.com/privacy_policy as amended from time to time. If you do not want to be bound by the Terms, you must not subscribe to or use our services. We encourage our users to read these Terms carefully while using the Website.

In these Terms, references to "you", "User" shall mean the end user/customer accessing the Website, its contents and using the Services offered through the Website. "Service Providers" mean independent third party service providers or Sellers, and references to the “Website”, "Mleos", “Mleos.com”, "we", "us" and "our" shall mean the Website and/or Novarris Fashion Trading Private Limited, its affiliates and partners (as applicable).

The contents set out herein form an electronic record in terms of Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules there under as applicable and as amended from time to time. As such, this document does not require any physical or digital signatures and forms a valid and binding agreement between the Website and the User. These Terms are made available to the User pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Rule 3 (1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011 that require publishing the rules, regulations, privacy policy and Terms for access or usage of the Website.

Eligibility to use

Use of the Website is available only to such persons who can legally contract under Indian Contract Act, 1872. Persons who are "incompetent to contract" within the meaning of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 including minors, un-discharged insolvents etc. shall not be eligible to use the Website.

Any minor desirous to use or transact on Website, is required to conduct such transaction through their legal guardian or parents.

The Website reserves the right to terminate any membership and / or refuse to provide access to the Website if it is brought to the Website’s notice or if it is discovered that the person accessing/using the Website is under the age of 18 years.

By accepting the Terms or using or transacting on the Website, the User irrevocably declares and undertakes that he/she is of legal age i.e. 18 years or older and capable of entering into a binding contract and such usage shall be deemed to form a contract between the Website and such User to the extent permissible under applicable laws.

Account, Password, and Security

Any person may access the Website and the Products either by registering to the Website or using the Website as a guest. However, a guest user may not have access to all sections of the Website including certain benefits/promotional offers, which shall be reserved only for the purpose of registered Users, and which may change from time to time at the sole discretion of the Website.

If you wish to register yourself with the Website, you shall be required to create an account by registering through Facebook or your email account or by filling in the details prescribed in the Website registration form. You will then receive a password and account designation upon completing the Website's registration process. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password and account, and are fully responsible for any and all activities that occur under your password or account. You agree to (a) immediately notify the Website of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security, and (b) ensure that you exit from your account at the end of each session. Mleos.com cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this Section or for any losses occurring thereto. You, as the User, waive any claims against the Website for any loss and damage suffered by you on account of your failure to comply with the Terms and reasonably expected good practices in this regard.

If any User learns or is made or becomes aware of any instance of hacking or misuse of its User account, it shall without delay notify the Website of the same. Additionally, registered Users may be held liable for losses incurred by the Website for any loss or damage caused as a result of failure in maintaining security by the relevant User.

If any User provides any information that is untrue, false, not updated, and incomplete or the Website has reasonable grounds to believe that such information is untrue, false, not updated, incomplete, the Website shall have the right to suspend or terminate the relevant User account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Website (or any portion thereof).

Listing And Selling

By listing a Product on the Website, every Seller warrants that all such Products are legally permitted to be sold. Each Seller further warrants that they shall provide most accurate description of the products to be sold on the Website. Listings may only include text, pictures and other content that Mleos may permit from time to time. Sellers may charge reasonable shipping and handling fees to cover the costs for packaging and posting the items. Sellers may issue promotional codes for promotional purposes only and these are to be used against purchases from the issuing Seller’s products only. Promotional codes have no cash value and cannot be exchanged for money or credit.

3. Sharing of personal information
We may share personal information with our other corporate entities and affiliates. These entities and affiliates may market to you as a result of such sharing unless you explicitly opt-out.

We may disclose personal information to third parties. This disclosure may be required for us to provide you access to our Services, to comply with our legal obligations, to enforce our User Agreement, to facilitate our marketing and advertising activities, or to prevent, detect, mitigate, and investigate fraudulent or illegal activities related to our Services. We do not disclose your personal information to third parties for their marketing and advertising purposes without your explicit consent.

We may disclose personal information if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process. We may disclose personal information to law enforcement offices, third party rights owners, or others in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to: enforce our Terms or Privacy Policy; respond to claims that an advertisement, posting or other content violates the rights of a third party; or protect the rights, property or personal safety of our users or the general public.

We and our affiliates will share / sell some or all of your personal information with another business entity should we (or our assets) plan to merge with, or be acquired by that business entity, or re-organization, amalgamation, restructuring of business. Should such a transaction occur that other business entity (or the new combined entity) will be required to follow this privacy policy with respect to your personal information.

4. Links to Other Sites

Our Website links to other websites that may collect personally identifiable information about you. Mleos.com is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of those linked websites.

5. Security Precautions

Our Website has stringent security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. Whenever you change or access your account information, we offer the use of a secure server. Once your information is in our possession we adhere to strict security guidelines, protecting it against unauthorized access.

6. Choice/Opt-Out

We provide all users with the opportunity to opt-out of receiving non-essential (promotional, marketing-related) communications from us on behalf of our partners, and from us in general, after setting up an account.

If you want to remove your contact information from all Mleos.com lists and newsletters, please visit unsubscribe

7. Advertisements on Mleos.com

We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.

8. Your Consent

By using the Website and/ or by providing your information, you consent to the collection and use of the information you disclose on the Website in accordance with this Privacy Policy, including but not limited to Your consent for sharing your information as per this privacy policy.

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it.

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