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Patient Testimonials


John William


Bondad Blaine from Australia is five years old. But unlike any other toddler of his age, he does not communicate or participate actively in games. Apparently one may consider him as an extremely shy boy but he had been suffering from the complex developmental condition of autism since birth. After a long search for a proper treatment, tightly held in the arms of his mother Blaine arrived in India. Here, Donalyn talks about their medical trip.


Shabana Nahid


Dodging a Critical Brain Surgery, Shabana Nahid Got the Ultimate Cure for Meningioma through a Gamma Knife Surgery. Any injury or pressure to any of the nerves in the brain would increase the chances of vision loss and other multiple disabilities. This was the conclusion of 54-years-old Shabana Nahid’s local doctor in Bangladesh. Developing deep inside her brain, the meningioma tumor posed a threat with its tricky position.


Leah Gathoni


Running her fingers on the keyboard, Mrs. Leah Gathoni Kariuki fixed her eyes on the computer screen as she scuttled through the internet to get a permanent cure for her little daughter’s congenital heart defect. Medicines could not solve the problem. The weakness in little Portia’s tricuspid valves caused her momentary bouts of exhaustion.


Ian Edward Fergusan


Severe pain coupled with inflammation of the hip joint had made 65-year-old Ian Edward Fergusan’s life cumbersome. Afraid of experiencing such stinging pain, that wringed through his left hip every time he tried to move, Ian’s daily activities of mere walking got restricted. Seven years into this torment, he could not bear it anymore and finally came to India for a hip

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